The Town of Elrose Payments

We accept payments for Utilities, Property Taxes, Waste Transfer Station fees and other miscellaneous fees by Cheque, Cash (at the Town Office), eTransfers to and online through the Credit Union or the Royal Bank.

We do not accept debit or credit cards. 

Please ensure you state what your payment is for and/or your Utility account number or Property Tax Roll number.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Town Office at 306-378-2202.

Property Tax & Utility Billing eNotices

If you wish to receive your Property Tax notice and/or your Utility Bill and newsletter by email please submit the consent forms below at any time by email (, fax (306-378-2966), mail or by dropping off at Town office.

• Tax Notice eNotice Consent Form
• Utility Bill eNotice Consent Form