Our Council realizes that in order to grow we must be progressive. We share grants with the R.M. of Monet for our Uniplex, Fire District, library, recycling bins, cemetery, web page, Handi-Van and Memorial Hall. We give an annual grant to the Regional Park (behind the Uniplex) and Clearwater Lake Regional Park.

We have seen a rapid growth in lot sales. Currently we are looking into putting water and sewer into un-serviced lots. Every year we budget for four new curb stops. We have an annual budget for street and sidewalk repairs.

Our Elrose Health Centre is a long term care facility for thirty residents and has three beds for respite/palliative or convalescent clients.

We also have the Elrose-Monet Doctors Clinic. Appointments can be made by calling 1-306-378-2882 Ext 2.

For Lab/X-ray Technician, please call 306-378-2882 Ext 3.

Economic Development Property Tax Abatement Policy PDF